About Us
The History of Groombridge Farm Shop
From our beginnings in 1993 as “the Asparagus Hut “, we have grown into a centre for local producers to showcase their products. A growing customer base has prompted further development of the farm to meet the demand.
We have become a community hub where people can meet and be sure of a friendly welcome. We now open every day of the year, with the exception of Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Easter Sunday.

The Home of Kent Asparagus
It was asparagus that inspired us, 25 years ago, to sell our produce directly to local people. We now grow 12 acres on our Tunbridge Wells sand, and take fresh asparagus to local farmers markets, farm shops and into London.
Asparagus is what we are known for in the local area, and asparagus season, April to June, remains our busiest time of year.
Passionate about Seasonality
The enjoyment of “seasonal” is a concept that the supermarket has virtually eliminated. Eating seasonally reduces food miles, reduces our dependence on imports and reduces packaging. It is so much more enjoyable and is our focus at Groombridge Farm Shop.

Lovely Local Produce
In Groombridge, a very small village nestling in the High Weald of Kent, we have a superb Village Bakery and a vineyard producing a delicious Sanden sparkling wine. With the bread and wine sorted, we then went in search of other local produce. We now have over 50 local suppliers supplying us with a wide choice of good food.
We have hens that free range under our top fruit; strawberries and raspberries that continue through the summer; cherries, plums, damson, gooseberries, blackberries, greengages and blueberries that come seasonally. We are very proud that 90% of all produce for sale in the shop comes from within Kent and Sussex.
Every purchase from us contributes to the lowering of our total carbon footprint.
Protecting Our Environment
To grow our crops we use modern techniques that minimise the use of harsh pesticides and artificial fertilisers. Biodegradable plastic mulch helps us with weed control on the asparagus; covered table tops for the strawberries minimises our use of fungicides. IPM (integrated pest management) helps us control insects in most of our fruits.
Our rotation, based around grassland for horses and the planting of trees and wildflower meadows, form our policy of producing food in harmony with nature. Whilst recognising the mistakes of the past, we now know that it is possible to grow quality food sympathetically.

Farm-to-Table Ethos
Groombridge Farm Shop is fed up with not knowing where our food has come from. Beautiful Kent and the surrounding area is bursting with local produce and there is no reason why your whole plate can't be from Kent.
Did you know that when you buy fresh food from the supermarket, it's actually been sitting in a distribution centre somewhere for an unknown length of time?
We are passionate about farm-to-table food supplies and are very proud that many of the fruit and vegetables in the Farm Shop come from our own New Park Farm.
Farms Not Factories
We’ve made sure nothing in Groombridge Farm Shop is mass produced! We believe in small scale farming and being a local shop for local people.
By supporting Groombridge Farm Shop, you are supporting your local small businesses, bakeries and community.